Architecture, urbanism and design projects
Rui Torre Arquitectos, Lda is an architecture office with over thirty years of experience, who has skills to develop projects of any functional type from the housing to industry, also through the hospitality / tourism and trade.
Studies and Technical Opinions
We have accumulated experience, which associated to the human resources allows us to prepare technical studies, expert reports and opinions that perhaps you may request.
Management and Works Supervision
We have technical and human resources for the works' management and supervision.
Topographic and Buildings Surveys
The cabinet also has human resources to develop existing buildings' surveys for further project work - rehabilitation, conversion and restoration. We have also installed ability to draw up surveys of parcels with any size.

1st Prize
Limited Competition
"Project Development of a Building Complex along the Atlantic Avenue"
Viana do Castelo (promoted by VianaPolis, S.A)

1st Prize
Public Competition
Caminha (organized by Polis Litoral)

2nd Prize
Public Competition
"Ideas for the Regeneration of the Square between the Court and the Health Center"
Ponte da Barca (promoted by Municipality of Ponte da Barca)

2nd Prize
Public Competition
"Ideas for the Old Primary School Building and Urban Regeneration of the Surrounding Area"
Ponte da Barca (promoted by the Municipality of Ponte da Barca)