

Rui Torre - Arquitectos
Rua de Aveiro - 1º andar | Edifício Palácio - Sala 103 4900-495 198 VIANA DO CASTELO VIANA DO CASTELO, Portugal
+351 258 828 458 +351 258 828 424 449631360
Arquitecto Rui Torre
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Rui Torre, Architects, Lda., Architectural firm with over thirty years of experience.

Always guided their actions by the strict compliance of professional ethics (respecting fellow architects and professionals from other activities).

Always considered architecture as a service that is provided to the client (response to an individual request but with a global and social dimension - the territory and the landscape are common goods).

All projects are executed with the same rigor and commitment, whether small or large and with varying complexity (indoor and outdoor arrangements, recuperation, rehabilitation, requalification, urban allotment, etc.).

The technical capacity of the office, with its staff and material resources, allows the development of architectural projects, urban planning and design. In addition to designing projects from ground zero, we have specific skills in the areas of rehabilitation / reconversion / recovery / restoration ... 

The composition of the staff can be adjusted to the size of each project.

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